Q. Who is eligible for membership in the Club?
A. In general terms, anyone with a relationship with the University of Saskatchewan. That includes all U of S Alumni and all university employees. Check out our Who Can Join page.

Q. How much are membership dues? 
A. Less than a cup of coffee a day!  $29.93 per month or $359.10 per year. (Pro-Rates Available)

For University employees, your dues can be deducted monthly by Payroll.  When the primary use of the Club is related to University business purposes, up to 100% of your dues may be reimbursable.

Q. What are the advantages of becoming a member? 
A. Many!  Lunch is served in the dining room and on the patio Monday to Friday and the four meeting rooms are available to members during service hours at no charge.  Come for drinks during the week either in our comfortable lounge or on the patio.